Welcome to WFMH on-line internet service.
We hope you will find this site exciting and visit us often in the future ;-)
We'd like this place on the net to appeal to people of various
interests, what means pages of diverse subjects will turn up here. We also
hope you'll enjoy most of them, even if you had neglected such topics in
the past.
Before you start exploring this site, please take a look at a links below.
The items placed there represent major themes we would like to tell you
about. Presently you'll find only small portion of the planned ones, but
we believe that even this limited suite will draw your attention.
Briefly about browsing the site:
While creating these pages we did our best to make them readable with any,
even very outdated browser. Consequently, we gave up on one of the most
problematic (and controversial!) things - frames, however some other modern
features, like animated gifs and tables will significantly improve total perception
of this site, so it would be nice if your browser support them (as of 1996 ;)
We would happily learn your opinions or sugestions about this site.
If you have any, please mail carlos@...!
However this site seems to be a bit outdated (someday we may find some time to get it refreshed),
but here's a recent list ouf our members. In case one has own personal page, it would be linked to his
name. If you want to reach any by mail append @wfmh.org.pl domain to the nick below and you get
a valid email address. So here they are:
Brain, Carlos, Magnus, Robin, Silverdr, Tagor, Thorgal, Tori