Where Am I? v1.5 in the wild
Posted by: Borszczuk in Computers, PalmOS, tags: gmm, google, gps, maps, PalmOS, update, wai I was out for a longer while, so the former release date of this version was slightly different, but despite of lot of other "queued" tasks I have now to finish I managed to build Where Am I? v1.5 which is now available. Get the latest version using WAI?’s built-in “Check for update” feature or download from many sites that mirrors this application (i. e. Softonic , PalmInfoCenter ) or just use local copy . New thing in version 1.5 – WAI now remembers last chosen BT device – so it won’t bug you to select one each time you launch. Reg’ed users please stay tuned I will get in touch with you this week. Thanks.
PS: Happy New Year!
January 3rd, 2008 at 20:49
Works great!
January 5th, 2008 at 11:20
Great program, but one question:
If I tap “show on map” GMM anwers “no result found” followed by the coordinates. After a closer lock I have seen, that the coordinates were copied in the “search around current position” (sorry, translate this from german, don’t know the correct english name for this item with shortcut “B”. Item is used to search for shops etc.). If I copy&paste the coordinates to “search current position” (item-shortcut L), it works.
Is there a problem with the german version of GMM ? (Maybe they switched the fields-names). Is it possible to set a configuration in WAI, where to copy the coordinates in ?
January 5th, 2008 at 11:37
Could you please install english version to find out if that solves your problem? I’d like to know where the problem really is.
January 5th, 2008 at 12:40
Wow, fast answer
I tried to get a current version in english, but at every download the browser relocated to the german page
I tried a version 1.0 from an old page elsewhere and it seems to work. Problem: After starting GMM, the program asked to update or quit. After update -> german version. After quit, for a moment the map is visible (before closing the prog) at it shows the right position.
My statement: Your program works great and without any problems, but GMM not.
Now I have the problem to get the current _english_ version. And I will write a comment in the GMM-forum
best regards
January 5th, 2008 at 14:54
See here: http://wfmh.org.pl/carlos/files/palm/ the installer of will probably install you the german version too (I will check, but not today, if you can remove any files (overlays) to get german localization out. Still is just main .prc (no installer) so give it a shot as for now.
January 5th, 2008 at 16:48
Ok, now I’m totally confused: With your english version the same problem and the error-message in german “keine Ergebnisse gefunden” (no results found). I tried to erase all files, installed new but with the same result =:-|
Switched back to english 1.0.0 version and, before the program exits due to the canceled update, it shows the right position.
current results
german version – not working
english version 1.2.08 – not working
english version 1.0.0 – working (but closing due to canceled update)
By the way: If you thinking, this is a problem of only my Treo, I will stop annoying you with this problem. I wonder about the fact that no one else has this problem.
January 6th, 2008 at 11:03
I haven’t had a chance to test WAI/GMM with other than english ROMs so it still may be that it’s not just your device but a german one in general. English ROMs based Treos, Centros and other works fine. If you want to investigate you may want to do a sort of hardcore test – backup your device. Hard reset it, install just WAI and GMM and try. It may be that there’s something else installed on you palm that confuses GMM. But I got no clue what it might be.
January 8th, 2008 at 9:38
V. 1.5 doesn`t work with Treo680, same problem as v. 1.4!!!
January 8th, 2008 at 9:48
It does (I do own 680). What is “same problem” you refer to?
January 9th, 2008 at 9:21
I found him (wolla) in a german Palm-forum. There is a discussion about the same problem I have mentioned above. There are some users with this problem, Even with version 1.5 and with 1.4.
January 9th, 2008 at 11:13
Did 1.3 worked? Do other version of GMM work? Does it affect just german Palm OS devices? I just tried WAI? 1.6 (unreleased) on GMM on Treo 680 (ROW) and it works correctly. If I am expected to fix anything I need to know what’s going on exactly over there. I do not have nor use german version of Palm device, so you guys should give me more information, otherwise I won’t be able to do much with that…
January 9th, 2008 at 20:43
Of course
Ok, I’m using a Palm 650 and have tried the version 1.4 of WAI first. My/our problem is that the coordinates that are send by WAI are not copied in the “current location”-search. They are copied in the “search nearby business”. So you get an “no result found for coordinates xxxxxx”-error in GMM. And I found the same problem with your version 1.5.
Now it seems so that some more users have the same problem. In my opinion this is a problem of GMM. Is there a way to change the place for the copied coordinates ?
I have never tried the version 1.3 of WAI.
Thank you for your effort to help me/us
January 9th, 2008 at 23:34
I will add an option to choose search type in v1.6. Shall be out next week
January 9th, 2008 at 23:58
Same Problem as Carsten with german treo 650, WAI 1.5 and
Thanks for the fine prog and thanks to Carsten for his helpful workaround with copy and paste.
January 10th, 2008 at 14:36
@Michael, @Carsten: I’ve sent you guys a beta version of WAI 1.6. Please do check if it solves your problem and let me know.
January 10th, 2008 at 18:33
Great !!
It is working perfectly. Thanks for this VERY fast reply and this outstanding work.
Best regards
January 10th, 2008 at 20:06
v1.6 is out.
January 11th, 2008 at 9:39
v. 1.6 now works on my treo680!!!