Archive for March, 2008

Announcement Couple of days passed since last WhereAmI? release. Unfortunately I had absolutely no time to for WAI? development during these days, even version 1.7 is almost done (it will officially be out on Apr 1 -> no joke). Unluckily I also had some issues dealing with your donations. I deeply apologize to any of you who placed donation and still awaits full featured copy to arrive which I used to send as a "Thank you" for your donation. All people who’s donation remains not handled, please add your comment to this post with your valid email address and Hotsync Id you use, so I can match your donation and ship the application immediately. Thank you all for your support and understanding.

PS: Even comments are moderated (and I will not publish any from this post) please do not post here if you’re handled or want to discuss Where Am I? as application. Please use this post to comment on application .

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