Posts Tagged “update”
As it seemed version 1.5 cauased dome problems under some conditions (mostly reported by users with non english ROMs) I decided to push out version 1.6 much earlier than I formerly planned. So, in meanwhile get it using WAI?’s built-in “Check for update” feature or download from many sites that mirrors this application or just use local copy . New things in version 1.6 – you can now choose what search mode you want WAI? to order from Google Maps. Be it ordinary location search, search for nearest business. Or you will continue with direction planning with current location set as destination (To Place) or departure (From Place). Also, version 1.6 brings you current Altitude readouts (assuming your GPS receiver provides such information). Enjoy. And if you like this app, please consider donating .
It was a couple days ago when I hacked a wonderful Keyring for Palm OS , which is electronic wallet you could use (and I do) to keep all your PINs or passwords secure. It’s freeware, open sourced and uses real cryptography for what it’s doing. I strongly recommend giving this application a try if you haven’t had a chance to do that to date.
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I was out for a longer while, so the former release date of this version was slightly different, but despite of lot of other "queued" tasks I have now to finish I managed to build Where Am I? v1.5 which is now available. Get the latest version using WAI?’s built-in “Check for update” feature or download from many sites that mirrors this application (i. e. Softonic , PalmInfoCenter ) or just use local copy . New thing in version 1.5 – WAI now remembers last chosen BT device – so it won’t bug you to select one each time you launch. Reg’ed users please stay tuned I will get in touch with you this week. Thanks.
PS: Happy New Year!
SoundRec is a simple sound recording application that allow Palm OS5 devices to record short voice memos. It will only work on Palm devices that supports audio recording. Features include: one button recording, direct saving to the SD card, export recordings to the SD card, adjustable sample rate, adjustable microphone gain, and playback volume controls. SoundRec is a taken-over project, Ryan’s website seems to be down/broken. Anyway, version 1.1 brings 5-way navigation support, hi-res support, external card handling on Tungsten|T, bug finger-on-screen friendly action buttons and on-line version checker. Get it from local repository and spread the word the project ain’t dead 
I un-dusted some old applications and one of them is Spell Me!. It’s a simple, yet freeware, tool capable of doing various text conversion. It can converted text using one of built-in alphabets. Most popular usage (and the main reason this application was written) is to convert to phonetics alphabet. Whenever you find necessary to spell someone name or any sequence of letters, especially over the phone or other (usually) noisy media, you may find it might be much easier to spell it using, instead of fficial alphabet spelling, regular words that start with given letter. This system is widely used by pilots and ham radio operators worldwide and was proven o be readable and pronounceable to any person on the world, no matter of nationality or native language. Version 1.1 brings clipboard support, 5-Way navigation handling and on-line version checker. Get your copy from PalmGear or from local repository.
Where Am I? v1.4 is now available. This is kind of major update (even the change log isn’t that impressive as you can see), but due to latest Google’s change , older versions no longer work correctly (or in fact, they do but you will get no search results at all). Get the latest version using WAI?’s built-in "Check for update" feature or download from many sites that mirrors this application (i. e. PalmGear , Softonic , PalmInfoCenter ) or just use local copy .
New things in version 1.4: support for latest Google’s query handling (you must update if you wish to use WAI with GMM – all the older versions no longer work correctly) and 5-Way navigation.