Archive for the “Applications” Category

Firefox logo To continue Mozilla ’s applications plugins review started with "Useful Thunderbird plugins " post, here’s the time to take a closer look a the popular web browser Firefox ‘s plugins . As per usual, I’ve just checked most of these available and here’s the list of which of them I personally found useful.


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Thunderbird logo All recently available Mozilla ‘s applications, including we browser Firefox and mail client Thunderbird can be easily extended with help of 3rd party plugins . I just checked these available for Thunderbird and luckily found some worth using on daily basis.


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mrtg widget badge I just released a Yahoo Widgets ‘ widget ‘mrtg’, designed to show periodically updated MRTG graph directly on your desktop. I personally wanted something that would allow me to keep an eye on my pipes utilization. So here it is. Some things are not perfect, but as a starter it acts pretty nice. Download it from here and give a try.

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