Archive for October, 2007

Where Am I? in action Where Am I? v1.4 is now available. This is kind of major update (even the change log isn’t that impressive as you can see), but due to latest Google’s change , older versions no longer work correctly (or in fact, they do but you will get no search results at all). Get the latest version using WAI?’s built-in "Check for update" feature or download from many sites that mirrors this application (i. e. PalmGear , Softonic , PalmInfoCenter ) or just use local copy .

New things in version 1.4: support for latest Google’s query handling (you must update if you wish to use WAI with GMM – all the older versions no longer work correctly) and 5-Way navigation.

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mrtg widget badge I just released a Yahoo Widgets ‘ widget ‘mrtg’, designed to show periodically updated MRTG graph directly on your desktop. I personally wanted something that would allow me to keep an eye on my pipes utilization. So here it is. Some things are not perfect, but as a starter it acts pretty nice. Download it from here and give a try.

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